Carex cherokeensis (Cherokee Sedge)

$ 4.98

Only 13 left in stock.

Cherokee Sedge is an attractive clumping evergreen sedge that deserves to be used more in garden setting. It likes deeper soils with more organic matter. It prefers moist conditions but is adaptable. Wheat-like seed spikes mature in autumn. If trim is needed, it is better to give a light haircut to improve appearance. A harsh cut back may potentially harm it.

Cherokee Sedge is a good ground cover, performs well in mass planting or as a low maintenance filler plant. It can be used in rain gardens, restoration projects, borders, woodland gardens, and gardens designed for wildlife.  It is effective in large and small gardens. It is also appropriate for areas with moist soils such as low spots and stream/pond margins.



Texas native Yes
Water use Medium
Sun exposure Part shade to bright shade
Mature height 1-1.5 ft
Mature spread 1.5 - 2.5 ft
Attracts Birds
Evergreen Yes
Erosion control Yes
Deer resistant Yes




 Present in state
 Present in county and native
 Native to North America, but adventive & escaped in state         
 Not present in state
 Present and rare, native in county
 Previously present, now extinct
 Questionable presence (cross-hatched, regardless of color)