Oenothera speciosa (Pink Evening Primrose)

$ 3.98

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Also known as Showy Primrose, Showy Evening Primrose or Showy Primrose.

Pink Evening Primrose is an upright to sprawling perennial which blooms range in color from dark pink to white. Hardy and drought resistant, it can form large colonies. In southern parts of its range, blooms tend to be darker pink or rose and to open in the morning. Northern populations are often paler or white and night-blooming. Blooms heaviest during spring, with blooms diminishing in size as the weather gets hotter. Each flower lasts only a single day.

Pink Evening Primrose cannot withstand complete soil dryness. Plants often go dormant in summer, re-sprouting with fall rains. Can work as a dense foliage groundcover in shade, but won't bloom without adequate sunlight.

Because it spreads, it is best used in large beds, prairies, meadow gardens, lawn or naturalized areas. It does well paired with Prairie Verbena, Gregg's Mistflower, Gregg's Dalea and Texas Lantana planted in groupings.



Texas native Yes
Water use Low, medium
Sun exposure Full sun to part sun
Bloom color Pink to white
Bloom time Heaviest blooms in the spring
Mature height 1-2 ft
Attracts Bees, butterflies
Deer resistant
Edible Cook as greens or in salads. Tastes best when collected before flowering.
Notes Native bee friendly. 





 Present in state
 Present in county and native
 Native to North America, but adventive & escaped in state         
 Not present in state
 Present and rare, native in county
 Previously present, now extinct
 Questionable presence (cross-hatched, regardless of color)