Ulmus americana (American Elm)

$ 49.00


Comment: Dormant

Only 2 left in stock.

American Elm is a large, handsome vase-shaped tree with a symmetrical crown. Fall color is yellow. It is mostly found along moist bottomland sites but can also be seen in upland areas with good soils.

American Elm has shallow roots with deep tap root that resists movement from floodwater, making this species valuable when it comes to preventing soil erosion.

American Elm is susceptible to Dutch elm disease.

Planting Instructions: Dig a hole two times wider than the tree container, but the same depth as the root ball. If the tree is buried too deep in the container, remove excess soil to uncover root collar. Sides of the hole should be irregular, not smooth. Loosen exterior roots gently. If the plant is root-bound, the outer roots may be cut in several places. Place the tree in the hole so that the root collar sits a bit above the ground level since the soil will settle some. Backfill the hole using soil that was dug out. Avoid adding non-native soil if possible. Do not add any soil to the top of the root ball. Pack the loose soil in the hole with your hands to avoid creating air pockets. Add mulch making sure it is at least 3-5 inches away from the tree trunk. Water deeply.


Texas native Yes
Water use High
Sun exposure Sun to part shade
Bloom time Spring
Mature height
60-80 ft
Mature width 50-90 ft
Attracts Butterflies, birds, mammals
Host plant

Mourning Cloak, Columbia Silkmoth, Question Mark butterfly, Painted Lady butterfly, Comma butterfly.




 Present in state
 Present in county and native
 Native to North America, but adventive & escaped in state         
 Not present in state
 Present and rare, native in county
 Previously present, now extinct
 Questionable presence (cross-hatched, regardless of color)