Ageratina havanensis (Shrubby Boneset)

$ 13.98

Only 12 left in stock.
Also known as White Mistflower or Fragrant Mistflower.

Shrubby Boneset provides a lovely splash of white blooms in the fall, adds structure to perennial gardens and has tremendous wildlife value. It should not be hedged, but instead let grow naturally, and trimmed back late winter to promote more blooms (since it blooms on new wood) and have a fuller plant. Shrubby Boneset is adaptable and will grow in most soils as long as it is provided good drainage. It is drought tolerant and works well in sun to part shade. Bright woodland edge is ideal for this plant. It does best when it is trimmed by about one third each year.

Shrubby Boneset attracts a lot of pollinators, such as hummingbirds, moths, butterflies, bees, and more. It is a must-have in a pollinator garden or any wildscape.


Texas native Yes
Water use Low
Sun exposure Part sun to part shade
Bloom color White
Bloom time Fall
Mature height 3-5 ft
Mature spread 3-4 ft
Attracts Butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, moths
Host plant Rawson's Metalmark butterfly
Notes Pollinator magnet. Native bee friendly.




 Present in state
 Present in county and native
 Native to North America, but adventive & escaped in state         
 Not present in state
 Present and rare, native in county
 Previously present, now extinct
 Questionable presence (cross-hatched, regardless of color)